Saturday, February 20, 2010


Thanks GA ||| 2010 for a fantastic year!
Congratulations to those of you who won awards, there were many more of you who deserved them!
Hope to see you again next year!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Good Morning Delegates

There seems to be some confusion on todays topic, i know more on our second topic but here are some links to hopefully help out


I'll keep looking for more if needed keep an eye on the blog

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Hey Delegates! Looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow!!. I hope your ready for a fun three days of some great debate! I just wanted to remind everyone that it is business dress for all three days, which means dress pants or appropriate length skirts (for girls), nice tops and and shoes. Try to stay away from jeans and sneakers please! Also the banquet on Friday night is formal dress, but i've been told to warn you girls to wear shoes that are comfortable apparently they are very picky about bare feet at the crowne plaza and if you take off your shoes you will not be dancing. We will be setting our topic tomorrow night so do bring your research with you cause there well be some debate after the opening ceremonies and introduction.

See you tomorrow night! registration is from 6-6:30

Monday, February 15, 2010

Position Papers

Hey guys, so the conference is just a few days away, I hope your all excited! With only a short time to go I really want to stress the importance of finishing up your position papers. I know the due date is come and gone but they are still a strongly recommended resource. In the middle of debate its hard to go rummaging through all your papers for points to come up with, position papers help you memorize important facts and acts as a quick reference guide. It's also easier for the dais to assist you if we can see what track your on.
Don't stress, have fun and see you soon!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Directory of UN Resources on Gender and Women's Issues

Excellent link courtesy of WomenWatch

Women Watch News Feed

Hey guys! As the conference is now less than a week away it might be a good resource to keep an eye on the UN's Gender Equality News Feed

And remember as the conference gets close to keep an eye on the blogs!!

UN prioritizes women at food aid distribution in Haiti


The UN World Food Program (WFP) has prioritized women in Haiti food aid distribution to ensure that the most vulnerable get access to aid, the WFP executive director told a news conference on Tuesday. (..) "It is our methodology to distribute only to women to ensure that food gets to women and children in Haiti," she said. "Every time we have not had adequate security escorts, we have had riots at food sites."

Monday, February 1, 2010

United Nations Website

I was just gazing about the United Nations website and it turns out that there are some great links to other sites which provide a lot of information on current events in the areas that we're concerned with.
Just peruse some of the links on this website. There's stuff about the advancement of women as well as international development.