Sunday, January 17, 2010

Things to think about

So HSMUN is coming soon and most have you have probably started on your position papers. Each of you has to remember to write about how your particular country stands on the issue and have to ignore personal biases. For example, if you believe that aid should be continued during the recession but you are a country such as the United States, you might have to go against your gut instinct. It is also important to research information about your country and its foreign policy from different sources because wikipedia can only take you so far. Remember that some of your sources might be biased as well, so try looking at neutral sites. In my experience BBC and Al Jazeera give a good account of current events and also have interesting articles which are known to be unbiased.
Many of you might think that writing a position paper is a waste of time because it is not mandatory. However, in my three years of experience with HSMUN, I did the best when I wrote a paper. Not only does it force you to do your research, but it also allows you to remember it. During a committee session you might not have time to go rummaging through your notes and print outs from various sites. A position paper will allow you to have all your information in one place. Also, don't forget that there is a prize for the best position paper so why not try your odds?
Good Luck!
Here are some articles that might help you when you write your papers:

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